TAIC inquiring into Pacific Aerospace Cresco impact with terrain, Wairarapa

24 Apr 2020
Image - a Cresco aircraft. Not the accident plane.
A Cresco aircraft. Not the accident plane. Image: (c) Pacific Aerospace

TAIC has opened an inquiry -- AO-2020-001 -- into an accident involving a Pacific Aerospace Cresco 08-600 aircraft.

The circumstances reported to date are that the aeroplane impacted the ground near Kourarau Hill about 20km South-East of Carterton, Wairarapa, around 7:30am on Friday 24 April 2020.

The aircraft was being utilised for a topdressing operation.

The pilot, who was the sole person on-board, was fatally injured.

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission opens an inquiry when it believes the circumstances of an accident or incident have - or are likely to have - significant implications for transport safety, or when the inquiry may allow the Commission to make findings or recommendations to improve transport safety.


[As initially reported, subject to change, not official findings].