About TAIC

Group photo of the five TAIC Commissioners
TAIC's Commissioners - left to right: Bernadette Roka Arapere, Deputy Chief Commissioner Stephen Davies Howard, Chief Commissioner Jane Meares, David Clarke, Paula Rose QSO

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission comprises five Commissioners, supported by a Chief Executive and around thirty staff, with an annual budget of about $9.3m.

As well as being Commissioners for the inquiry purposes, they are also the independent Crown entity board, in keeping with the requirements of the Crown Entities Act 2004.

This section of the site provides information about our leadership, the domestic legal and international framework within which we work, our plans for the future and our performance reporting.

Each heading clicks through to more detailed corporate information.

Group photo of the five TAIC Commissioners


On the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, the Governor-General appoints the Commissioners for fixed, renewable terms...
The printed TAIC Act

Legal framework

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission Act 1990 establishes the Commission as an independent Crown entity. Its powers include conducting inquiries, controlling accident site access, inspecting and securing evidence...
Top section of TAIC organisation chart

Executive Leadership Team

The Commission's Chief Executive is supported by two general managers, responsible for the investigation and business services teams...
Photo montage - TAIC investigators on site

Careers at TAIC

We advertise staff vacancies on this page and on a number of other sites relevant to the positions required.
TAIC's reporting documents

Strategy and performance

In its capacity as an independent Crown entity, TAIC is accountable to Parliament through the Minister or delegated Associate Minister of Transport. Our documents of accountability set out our strategy and track our achievements...
photo of document being looked at with a magnifying glass


TAIC Transparency Statement. TAIC gathers information only for the purposes of an inquiry or in support of the inquiry process. The TAIC Act gives strong confidentiality protections to this information, which may only be used under the provisions of the TAIC Act for the inquiry process.