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1719 results found. Showing page 7 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
013/22 Aviation AO-2019-006 CAA Promote ongoing understanding of ‘simultaneous operations’, including
a published definition and how the practice relates to parallel runway…
016/22 Aviation AO-2019-006 CAA Ensure that managers and users of aerodromes, in particular for
unattended aerodromes, understand and fulfil their responsibilities for
014/22 Aviation AO-2019-006 CAA Improve the effectiveness of ‘see and avoid’ as a way to avoid mid-air
collisions through the promotion of the skills required, including the…
012/22 Aviation AO-2019-006 CAA Use the lessons from this report to educate pilots on some of the
common factors in mid-air collisions, and in particular the requirement…
015/22 Aviation AO-2019-006 CAA Encourage the reporting of safety-related incidents or concerns,
especially at unattended aerodromes.
011/22 Marine MO-2020-205 Pacific International Lines On 8 July 2022 the Commission recommended that Pacific International Lines take further steps to ensure that the safety precautions prescribed in its…
010/22 Marine MO-2021-202 Talleys The Commission recommended that Talley’s introduces a system for managing contractors working on board. The system should include sign-off for each…
009/22 Marine MO-2021-202 MNZ The Commission recommended that Maritime New Zealand ensure that as soon as reasonably practicable the owner of the Amaltal Enterprise install a new…
007/22 Marine MO-2020-204 MacGregor Germany GmbH & Co The Commission recommended that MacGregor Germany GmbH & Co, the manufacturer of the mooring winch, ensure that other operators using the same…
006/22 Marine MO-2020-204 Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore The Commission recommended that the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore investigate and, if necessary, review their audit processes to see if…

1719 results found. Showing page 7 of 172.