
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Waka Kotahi
On 25 October 2023, the Commission recommended that Waka Kotahi reviews the operation of long-hood leading locomotives by all rail participants to ensure sufficient risk controls are in place
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Whilst the recommendation has been accepted and implemented from a KiwiRail point of view, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (as Rail Safety Regulator) still needs to ensure all participants who operate long-hood leading locomotives are reviewed to ensure sufficient risk controls are in place.

Waka Kotahi is undertaking work with all rail licence holders that operate in long hood leading mode, including:
• consulting each of these rail licence holders on their use of long hood leading mode by 31 December 2023
• reviewing the safety management system of each of these rail licence holders by 31 March 2024. This will be focused on assessing how they are incorporating the required controls to manage the risks associated with long hood leading mode.

Semi-Permanent Bulletin No. 665 (12 July, 2023) was provided for evidence of the recommendation having been completed by KiwiRail.
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