
Train 2125, collision with a youth, Henderson,, 17 August 1998
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
At about 1525 hours on 17 August 1998 a group of secondary school students were crossing the Henderson rail yard at the south end. A cyclist in the group dismounted to cross the rails, and while pushing his bicycle fell in front of train 2125, a southbound diesel multiple unit passenger train. The youth received serious injuries requiring amputation of one leg.

The safety issue identified was the established trespass in the area, despite the presence of a pedestrian overbridge. A number of safety actions were taken by the operator, the school, the local authority and other community groups to address the problem at Henderson, and 7 safety recommendations were made to address the general problem of established trespass.
Henderson, Auckland (-36.883758,174.631093) [may be approximate]