
High speed passenger ferry "Strait Runner", grounding, Mana Channel, 4 April 1996
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Thursday, 4 April 1996, at approximately 2015 hours, when the high speed passenger ferry "Strait Runner" was outbound from Mana, she was hit by strong winds associated with a heavy rain squall, causing the vessel to ground on a gravel bank outside the main channel. The vessel sustained damage to her three propellers. Factors contributing to the grounding included a loss of situational awareness by the Master. A safety issue identified was the inadequacy of the harbour navigation aids for "Strait Runner"to depart at night. It was recommended to the Director of Maritime Safety that certain high speed craft be made to comply with Chapter 18 of the High Speed Code.
Mana Channel (-41.098418,174.864578) [may be approximate]