
Recommendation Date
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FlightLine Aviation
Establish a system to ensure proper monitoring and control of service bulletins.
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There is no formal requirement to establish a system to ensure proper monitoring and control of service bulletins. Service Bulletins are produced by the manufacturer and after advice from the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand (NZCAA), there is no mandatory requirement to satisfy overseas manufacturer's Service Bulletins for General Aviation aircraft unless they are reproduced as Airworthiness Directives.

Flightline Aviation does however - as a reputable and professional organisation obtain, view and generally advise customers of the existence of manufacturer’s Service Bulletins. Service Bulletins are received and assessed for applicability so that the customer has the option of accepting or rejecting their intent.

The issue has raised the point that there is general confusion within the aviation industry of whether, for example, a manufacturer’s Service Bulletin is actually mandatory within NZ and must be satisfied. Reference A relates to a conversation with the NZCAA and confirmation was obtained regarding the General Aviation requirements relating to Service Bulletins. In short, there is no requirement for NZ maintenance organisations to abide by manufacturer’s Service Bulletins (mandatory or otherwise) unless directed via a NZ Airworthiness Directive.

Reference B is the only direction that identifies aircraft types that have foreign source mandatory airworthiness requirements to be followed. The Rolls-Royce Allison 250-C20B engine is not included in this list.
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