
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Ports of Auckland
Evaluate the information gained from the Taharoa wave rider buoy. If there is significant difference in the sea conditions between the Taharoa and Manukau or if the Taharoa wave rider buoy data is not available to POAL, he shall urgently take steps to place a wave rider buoy or other suitable measuring equipment close to the bar.
Reply Text
Upon data access to the Taharoa wave buoy being agreed with the owners. POAL agree to undertake an evaluation to determine the correlation between the Taharoa wave buoy and the conditions experienced at the Manukau Bar. This information would be supplied to users.

POAL have concerns about the practicality of locating a wave buoy at the Manukau Bar. Conditions are at times severe off the bar and the buoys life expectancy coupled with the economics of such a buoy is questioned.
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