
Recommendation Date
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Tranz Rail
implement a revised signalling system controlling northbound trains approaching Te Maunga to provide enhanced advance warning to the LE of a train routed to the Mount Maunganui Branch, and develop and action a priority list of any similar locations where an enhanced advance warning would reduce an unacceptable risk of high speed entry to a medium speed route.
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Tranz Rail accept this recommendation.

Tranz Rail’s internal investigation identified further differentiating the sequence of signals approaching Te Maunga would enhance the advanced warning available to a Locomotive Engineer should the route be inadvertently set for the lesser speed turnout to the Mt Maunganui line.

A proposal has been discussed with local Locomotive Engineer representatives and has been accepted. However, before proceeding with installation, Tranz Rail is considering further an additional enhancement that could alleviate any further opportunity for confusion when approaching the preceding signal governing entry to the crossing loop. This review and further local consultation is expected to be complete by the end of August 2001.

Subsequent design and installation is expected to be complete by the end of November 2001. The design work involves providing a flashing aspect on a search light type signal that is more complicated than similar flashing aspect designs already in place on Tranz Rail’s network.
The Company Rules Committee had also identified the need to consider other sites where altering the sequence of signals could provide an additional defence against incorrect route settings. This review has commenced and is expected to be complete by the end of September 2001, with a view of programming changes on a priority basis.

Although the full extent of this work is yet unclear, it is anticipated the project should be complete by end of June 2002.
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