
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Tranz Rail
Reviews the adequacy of the elements of the safety system which failed to prevent unsupervised unloading of wagons on a grade in circumstances where no physical protection from any resulting runaways was provided for the adjacent main line, and take appropriate steps to avoid a recurrence.
Reply Text
The safety recommendation is considered to have been superseded as Tranz Rail Ltd's internal investigation of this occurrence has reviewed the operating process of unloading wagons in similar circumstances and appropriate action taken.

Immediate action was taken by Tranz Rail Ltd to prevent a similar occurrence at Raupunga.

For completeness Tranz Rail Ltd's action following this occurrence was to "review the operating procedures and the process for the use of station loops as wagon storage, loading or unloading of wagons by other parties and continue to maintain the security and safety for the mainline operations".

As a result Tranz Rail considers the Safety Recommendation has been overtaken by completion of our own action.
Related Investigation(s)