
Diagram displaying the reported circumstances as annotations to a diagram of the track layout.
Illustration of the reported circumstances. TAIC annotations over track layout diagram: KiwiRail
Shunt train, SPAD, North Island Main Trunk, near Westfield, Auckland, 1 February 2025
Occurrence Date
The Commission is investigating a SPAD A1 incident on the North Island Main Trunk near Westfield, Auckland at about 12:07 on 1 February 2025.
The reported circumstances were that a shunt train failed to stop at a red signal and entered a section of track authorised for a passenger train that was about to enter the same main line as the shunt train. Initial evidence indicated the train stopped about 150m past the signal and was about 140m from the part of the track where it could have collided with the passenger train.
In the event, there was no collision, no reported damage or injuries.

[As initially reported. Subject to change. Not official Findings].