
Express freight train T141, collision with motor vehicle, Te Hana Northland, 19 July 1993
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On 19 July 1993 Train 141 collided with a motor vehicle at a level crossing at Te Hana, Northland. The crossing was protected by flashing lights and bells, which were confirmed to be operating at the time of the accident. The driver of the motor vehicle was killed in the collision and his passenger sustained serious injuries. A safety issue identified during the investigation was the restricted view of the road to the east of the crossing, which could have been a significant distraction for the driver as he emerged from a gateway adjacent to the crossing. It was recommended that an additional set of warning lights be added to the existing installation.
Te Hana, Northland (-36.258390,174.510059) [may be approximate]