
Bulk carrier Berge Rishiri, loss of person, en route to Napier, 29 August 2022
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
TAIC is assisting a preliminary investigation by the Isle of Man into a ‘loss of person’ incident onboard the Isle of Man-registered bulk carrier, Berge Rishiri.

The circumstances reported to date are that while the Berge Rishiri was sailing from Bluff to Napier. The missing person was last seen at 0800hrs 29 August 2022, when they finished duty in the engine room. They then did not report to their place of duty at 1600. The Berge Rishiri raised an alarm and commenced a search, joined by another ship and a rescue helicopter. To date (31 Aug 2022) the missing person has not been located.

NB: The vessel was outside of New Zealand’s 12 nautical mile coastal limit and therefore outside of TAIC’s jurisdiction. New Zealand is gathering evidence for the vessel’s flag state, the Isle of Man, under the IMO’s Casualty Investigation Code.

[As initially reported, subject to change, not official findings].

New Zealand has completed its support for this inquiry. Please note, TAIC will not be producing a report for this inquiry