
Tug "Sea-Tow 22" and barge "Sea-Tow 17"tow line parting and subsequent grounding of tug and barge, Greymouth Bar Harbour entrance, 4 December 1997
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Thursday, 4 December 1997, the tug "Sea-Tow 22" was towing the barge "Sea-Tow 17" inbound across the Greymouth Bar. The tow line parted at about 0500, just as the barge was entering the moles at the entrance to the Grey River. The run in the river carried the barge back out over the bar and, despite several attempts, the crew were not able to retrieve the tow. The tug collided with the barge during one of the retrieval attempts, and ran aground. The barge grounded shortly after. The tug was able to re-float, unaided, on the next rising tide and pull the barge off the beach.

Safety issues identified included poor communication and crew resource management, and the lack of authority over traffic management within harbour limits. Safety recommendations were made to Sea-Tow Limited and the Grey District Council to address the safety concerns.
Greymouth Bar Harbour entrance (-42.438851,171.189437) [may be approximate]