
Aerospatiale AS 350B ZK-HST, collided with powerlines, Poolburn Central Otago, 7 July 1992
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
The helicopter was engaged in an aerial survey of Central Electric's distribution system. The pilot and technician conducting the survey, which utilised GPS equipment to pinpoint individual power pole positions, were accompanied by a line surveyor from the local electrical supply authority who acted as a guide and supplementary lookout. During the course of mapping a roadside 11kV line, the helicopter collided with the Roxburgh-Islington A 220kV line. The reactive forces of the rotor strike tore the transmission and engine from the airframe. The fuselage section of the helicopter came to rest inverted. The surveyor died in the impact sequence. The pilot and technician received serious injuries. The survey method was the first of its type to be conducted in New Zealand. As a result of the accident a series of recommendations, intended to enhance the safety of the operation, were made to the Operator.
Poolburn, Central Otago (-45.140342,169.712825) [may be approximate]