
Cessna 172 ZK-FGV, tipped onto wingtip and propeller in strong wind conditions, Nelson Airport, 27 February 1992
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On the return leg of a charter flight, the pilot, with three passengers on board Cessna ZK-FGV, had received clearance from Nelson Tower to taxi for runway 20. He had earlier noticed a Metro aircraft with its engines running at what appeared to be idle power. As he was turning from his parked position to enter the taxiway, he passed behind the Metro at an estimated distance of 30 metres. His aircraft began to weathercock and it became apparent that the Metro's engine power had been markedly increased. The pilot stopped taxiing, faced the aircraft into the slipstream, applied the brakes and held the control column forward. Some 45 seconds later, the Cessna's main wheels left the ground momentarily, and the aircraft settled heavily back on the ground, striking the propeller and left wingtip. Strong wind gusts were experienced at the time, and the Cessna was probably lifted by a combination of the Metro's slipstream and a wind gust.
Nelson Airport (-41.296752,173.226049) [may be approximate]