
Recommendation Date
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Promote through boating education and safety bulletins and boat notices, the fitment of passive radar reflectors to small vessels, particularly those constructed of poor radar reflective materials.
Reply Text
Maritime NZ endorses this proposal to the extent that it is practical. Safety bulletins and boat notices are useful but are seen by relatively few recreational skippers and therefore have limited impact. Maritime New Zealand will therefore also include the recommendation for radar reflectors in the next edition of the booklet “Safe Boating, an Essential Guide” which is distributed very widely within the recreational maritime community. Maritime New Zealand will also ensure this advise is included where future DVD and boating safety videos are produced.

We note, however, that the fitting of a radar reflector on many small boats that are most at risk of not being seen by watchkeepers on other craft is often impractical. No effective radar reflector has yet been produced where it is practical for fitment to vessels such as small dinghies or kayaks.
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