New inquiry into rail accident at level crossing near Marton

13 May 2021
Photo of the level crossing where this accident occurred
the level crossing where this accident occurred | Image:Google

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission has opened a rail accident inquiry into a collision involving a train and a truck at a level crossing on Saunders Rd near Marton between Whanganui and Palmerston North, at around 1530 on Thursday 13 May. 

Circumstances reported to date include that one person travelling in the truck died following the crash.

The Chief Investigator of Accidents, Harald Hendel, has appointed a TAIC investigation team, who are travelling there tonight and will be on site in the morning. 

"The Investigation team have expert knowledge in this field, including rail engineering and maintenance," said Mr Hendel. “Their initial evidence gathering work will include interviewing witnesses and inspecting and measuring the rail and rolling stock.”  
The Transport Accident Investigation Commission opens an inquiry when it believes the circumstances of an accident or incident have - or are likely to have - significant implications for transport safety, or when the inquiry may allow the Commission to make findings or recommendations to improve transport safety.
